Content Creator? I Will Offer You a Free Copy of My Book In Exchange for Your Honest review
Help raise awareness about the impact of technology on our mental health in 2020

I want far more people to read my book ‘Life Beyond the Touch Screen’. Because the message of my book is incredibly important, and relevant to anybody with an internet connection. Especially now. The impact of digital technology on our mental health is far deeper than most realize. This message needs to be heard.
Therefore, I’m offering a free digital copy of my book to any content creator who wants to help spread the awareness about the impact of digital technology on our mental health.
My Book ‘Life Beyond the Touch Screen’ and its reception
I published my second book this year, and it quickly outsold my first. Not very surprising, maybe, considering what it’s about:
Life Beyond the Touch Screen is “a meditational book designed for one thing: to remind yourself and others around you to make a conscious decision in the way that we allow any technology — or really anything — to change us. To add to our wellbeing and our evolution. A reminder to choose.”
Could it have been more timely or relevant to publish this book in 2020? I'll let these articles on tell the story:
Statistics about smartphone usage pre-2020 and
The first reactions from readers have also been awesome. I’m especially proud of the review best-selling author Nir Eyal gave me, which is quoted on the back flap:

Next to that, I’m happy to report that readers are saying things about my book like:
“this book is an eye-opener if you work in the tech sector.”
“It’s a kind of reality check if you happen to be someone’s mother, partner, co-worker, or friend.”
Or this one:
“Highly recommended. […] A remarkable book. Together with the visual style, the content, the transparency, the personal, and the constructive view on why reflection and action are both important. Respect.”
Better, more fitting and more honest marketing
However, I want far more people to read my book. And I am tired. Tired of (shamelessly) self-promoting. Of being kind of an antithesis of what I talk about in the book and being online constantly. Of being the poster child for “how hard it is to promote or sell your own product”.
I believe it’s always been and will always be far more valuable to have other people speak about your products and services than to do it yourself.
I also believe, from my 6+ years of marketing that it will be far more effective to have other content creators share with their audiences:
- Why they personally think this subject is important, and;
- What they think reading my book might do to help.
So, if you’re a content creator and you’d like to help out — and feel like getting a free book about a subject that tickles your fancy — I will give you a free digital copy in exchange for your honest review. If there's any other way you and I can be of service to each other, please let me know.
Please contact me on my personal e-mail: with the subject “Free e-book for review”, and we’ll sort things out.
Who am I looking for?
This offer/request for help is expressly aimed at, but definitely not limited to writers who are my ‘colleagues’ on Medium, on Hackernoon or Thrive Global. Or writers with a huge following or reach.
Of course, responses from bloggers currently (or previously) working at one of the world’s technology powerhouses such as Microsoft Design, Facebook Design, Google Developers or Google Design; Amazon App Developer, Alibaba Tech Alibaba Cloud; ethereum, Bitcoin Foundation; Ocean Protocol Japan would be super awesome and very, very welcome.
Or specific writers like Tristan Harris, Yuval Noah Harari, Cal Newport Author; Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jack Dorsey, Aubrey Marcus — that would be a dream.
I would love it if someone like Dr Mehmet Yildiz, or Niklas Göke, Tim Denning, August Birch, Shane Barker, Sebastian Purcell, PhD, Zulie Rane, Tom Kuegler, Nicolas Cole, Zat Rana, Shaunta Grimes, or Rama Poola shot me a response via the above email.
Or if any of the wonderful writers of Illumination, such as Jan M Flynn, Tree Langdon, CPA, CGA, Kevin Miller, Isaiah McCall, Kiranjeet Kaur, Kristy Lynn, Liam Ireland, Geetika Sethi, eira braun-labossiere would hit me up.
But honestly, I’m looking for anyone who is interested in the impact of digital technology on our mental health, and who has the desire to help raise awareness about those effects among the general public.
My new book “Life Beyond the Touch Screen” is out now, you can get it here as an e-book or paperback. Take back your energy, focus, and time, get your copy now.
If you were inspired by this message and would like to receive a free digital copy:
Please contact me on my personal e-mail: with the subject “Free e-book for review”, and we’ll sort things out.