Legend Storytelling: Watch out for my new book on how to find your Purpose
Legend Storytelling: a 30-day journey

I’ve just finished writing my new book: “Legend Storytelling: How to Find, Communicate and Live your Purpose”. I’m also starting a trial with a small group of people who will be helping me evaluate and improve the 30-day Storytelling journey included in the book.
I thought it would be nice to let you know how this book is going to be able to help you, if you’re looking to find your Purpose. Whether you’re coming at this as a growth-minded individual human, as an entrepreneur, or someone at the helm of a corporate brand.
My previous, award-winning book was titled: “Is there Life Beyond the Touch Screen?” I view the current book as my answer to that.
“Yes, there can be. If you start with Purpose.”

What you can expect from “Legend Storytelling: How to Find, Communicate and Live your Purpose”
This will not be just some book. This will be a book and a 30-day Purpose-driven storytelling program. It’s a workbook, a self-authoring and personal development X branding book. And it's going to give you so much value...
Read the entire story about my new book on how to find your Purpose, here.