In a world rapidly transformed by artificial intelligence, understanding the intersection between technology & innovation, personal growth, and business or brand identity & strategy — has never been more crucial. As AI reshapes our reality, it’s imperative to ask:
How will we navigate this new era? A surprising, yet crucial part of the answer lies in a tool as ancient as humanity itself — storytelling.
Together with, I am very happy and uniquely positioned to offer AI Content Marketing Consultancy and Workshops, to help guide you and your team in this exciting next step in the evolution of your brand and marketing strategies.
As a tech geek and writer for an IT company, I love having discussions about things like Blockchain and AI — and their impact on our current and future lives — with my layman best friend (who works in Public Security). He’s still waiting for the day I show up at his house in a fully operating Iron Man-like flight suit. I still believe that one day I will.