Tech Impact and Storytelling from Purpose
Business & Personal Growth and Storytelling in the Age of AI
In a world rapidly transformed by artificial intelligence, understanding the intersection between technology & innovation, personal growth, and business or brand identity & strategy — has never been more crucial. As AI reshapes our reality, it’s imperative to ask:
How will we navigate this new era? A surprising, yet crucial part of the answer lies in a tool as ancient as humanity itself — storytelling.
What smartphone addiction is, why it’s a problem, and how to fight it
In this article I’m going to share some of the insights I gathered in writing my book ‘Life Beyond the Touch Screen’. I’ll share some further insights into addiction and addictive technology — and more importantly, I’ll share the research-backed steps I took, and advise anybody to take, to combat smartphone addiction and to maintain, protect and even promote your mental health.
When the Impact of Digital Tech on our Mental Health Begins to Matter
The above photo is from the Weconomics convention last year, where I had the opportunity to pre-present my book Life Beyond the Touch Screen before its official launch in 2020. Something really interesting happened during my session. -
Statistics about smartphone usage and the effect of covid-19
Statistics about technology usage world wide — Pre-lockdown and post covid-19.
Why you should watch “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix today
Review and Summary - I watched “The Social Dilemma”, the documentary by the Center for Humane Technology and featuring Tristan Harris, yesterday. I was, very much inspired by the documentary. Get a wake-up call on the impact of Big Tech and take action, now. -
Starting the conversation about smartphone addiction with your children
How do we start the conversation about limiting screentime and smartphone addiction with our kids? We don’t have all the answers, but maybe we can start by asking the right questions.